Secure Technologies and Data Storage

Published in 22 de outubro de 2023 by

Secure technology and data storage are vital to safeguard your company’s most valuable data from natural disasters, hackers or accidental deletion. Storage solutions are also crucial to ensure that you’re able to retrieve data after a technology glitch or even a catastrophe which destroys your IT infrastructure. In the past security and data storage were usually separated issues but today’s IT teams are increasingly adopting DevSecOps models that blend application building with security and spread responsibility for security across the entire enterprise.

Data storage is now an important focus for IT security and is a component of cybersecurity strategies. Effective data storage security minimizes the chance of accessing stored information by unauthorized persons, tampering with data and ensures accountability and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Essentially, security for data storage includes 3 main principles: integrity of data, data confidentiality and robust disaster recovery systems. The first principle involves ensuring that stored data is not damaged or altered in any way. Data encryption is a popular way to achieve this. It converts readable data into a format that cannot be read and only decrypted using the right key.

Many experts suggest that data loss prevention solutions (DLP) be used to safeguard data from loss. These solutions can detect and stop attacks as they occur. A strong network security strategy is crucial for the security of data storage. This includes firewalls and antimalware protection gates, security gates and intrusion detection systems.