The Benefits of a Board Portal

Published in 17 de outubro de 2023 by

A board portal is an online tool that lets you to manage and share documents related to the work of your committee or board. The tools allow online communication and collaboration between committee members and facilitate online collaboration.

Many reasons are behind the emergence of board portals, such as concerns about security of email board meeting decorum attachments as well as the increased workloads of governance specialists, and the desire to improve internal processes. Commonly, board members who are already using a board management software will request it from their peers or industry insiders.

Boards of directors that have opted to use a portal for their meetings have noticed significant improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency. As the number of users continues to increase, more companies are seeking to expand their use of the software. To maximize the benefits it is essential to choose a reliable board of directors portal vendor that provides a robust support service and an easy onboarding process. Begin by clearly communicating the benefits of a board management software solution to the key stakeholders. Identify and engage portal ambassadors, which should be members of the board, to aid in to initiate and ensure the success the implementation. This is especially important for organizations with existing legacy systems that continue to be used in conjunction with the new portal.