Avast’s latest version has an option called Do Not Disturb Mode. This feature blocks notifications when running applications in full-screen mode. The Do Not Disturb Mode can be found in the Performance tab of the Avast main screen. It is possible to enable or disable it by unchecking the boxes.
If Do Not Disturb Mode is activated when Do Not Disturb Mode is activated, all Windows and Avast notification will be blocked if you use any application in full screen. Any new application that you open in full screen will automatically be added to the list of apps to block notifications for. You can also enable Do Not Disturb Mode that will only stop notifications for the apps that you select.
This feature is particularly useful for hackers and coders working in a digital setting. It allows them to concentrate on their work and not be distracted by Avast notifications or other applications. This can also help them verify quarantined data without the risk of being interrupted by a pop-up alert or pop-up. To enable the Do Not Disturb Mode feature you need to click the Gaming icon in the plan tray or activate the mode manually by selecting ‘Silent/Gaming’ in the main window of Avast.
Categories: Matéria