The Three Pillars of Data Security

Published in 16 de setembro de 2023 by

Data security safeguards data and systems from misuse, access and alteration. This helps to avoid data breaches that could result in business disruption, financial loss as well as compliance penalties and reputation damage. Modern approaches to protecting data include a combination of tools, technologies and best practice that are based on three pillars: Confidentiality and Integrity.

Data security starts with an extensive inventory and mapping. The cataloguing of data from your data centers as well as network-connected devices including desktops, mobiles, cloud services, and software applications is essential. It is essential to consider physical storage options like USB sticks and external hard drives, as well as old documents and printed documents. They are often ignored however they can contain a wealth confidential data. Cybercriminals will make use of this.

Once you are aware of your data sets you’ll need to categorize sensitive information in order to know where and how it is situated within your infrastructure. This lets you prioritize your security efforts by making sure that the most valuable information is secured while less critical information remains easily accessible. It also allows you to adhere to regulatory and industry requirements like those that apply to finance, health care and communications.